A journey into a past of conquer and explotation while connecting the dots to the injustice of the present day.
Meet the conqueror who disguises as an adventurer, hides forced labour behind a contract, and fancies himself a master while oppressing others by sheer violance.
And meet the worker, who's labour is appropriated and who's forced to obey by the existential threat.
The systemic oppression gets amplified by the material condition: the rhythm of production is enhaced by metered machinery. The conqueror sails his ships over the seas and alters from master to manager.
1 Arrival
The conqueror leaves his home. He sails into heavy waters and the soft nostalgic piano turns aggresive.
Requiem, aternam dona eis.
They greet death with confidence.
2 Master
The conqueror docks on a new shore. The worker sees him coming. Jembes drown in the shuffle of the drums.
Verse 1:
A ship on the horizon
Like we've never seen a ship before
see the noble men risin'
When Docking on shore
Came sailing from a far land
A place we've never been to before
I talk but you don’t understand
a tongue we've never heard before
Holding up the holy Bible
A book we've never read before
A fancy man with a fancy title
I came here to explore
Ohhh stranger
Welcome to our home
Emerged from the sea
You were all alone
Fo- reigner
Out of the dust
Said you would guarentee
Bringing peace to us
Verse 2
Ships arriving in a line
And every year some more
You wanted me to sign
Even tough I never signed before
All I want is a deal
Can't deal any more
Instead of words you use steel
negotiate no more
Once you'd taken our land
had been our land before
It's now the women and men
we weren't slaves before
Ohh stranger
Invading our home
In commission of the king
Had to obey the unknown
Let my people alone
In the name of a name
I refuse to come
3 Contract of Conquer
The conqueror extends his power by forcing a contract which inshrines systemic oppression. A powerfull guitar takes over.
Verse 1
You can't say no to me
I have what you really need
Sign here for evolution
A contract for expansion
Join in the movement
It is all about development
Teach you how to be efficient
Your struggles are insufficient
Contract of conquer
Reach further
Members of mankind
My mind - you sign
Obey my order
Or you'll die
Taking you under
Breakin it down
You'll never be faster
Cause I'm the master
Verse 1
I stand for progression
And you'll do some contraction
Take the money
And serve me honney
For security
You loose liberty
To become wealthy
You fail and I succeed
4 Working On
The conqueror argues for the greater picture of progression. He feels entitled to rule over the working class by natural or devine default. The work is pushed to duty in a bass riff. One spots the shadow in a heroic chorus.
If you work for me
Maybe one day you'll be free
At the Age of sixty five
You're humble self will thrive
I'm bending down
To do all the work on the field
Can you promise
Will I grow like the seed?
You may succeed
But someone's got to lift up the weight
I’ll take the lead
Steel holding me up
Right at the start
You give me a paycut
By claiming the land
And commanding my hand
Working 'cause it's due
But I do not own
Let the time pass
While I'm singing this song
Working on a farm
With my companions
Out on the fields
They come singing along
This land is mine
All the fields out there
They have my name
I drive in posts everywhere
Why do I
Need papers anyway
No need to impose
We did it our own way
You have no choice
It won't last forever
It's just a shadow in the cave
You're watching
The pictures are stalling
Can you hear the drops falling?
Working hard is what we do
All we do is serving you
All my passion
To be more efficient
Working on a farm we do not own
Working 'cause it's due
But I do not own
Let the time pass
While I'm singing this song
Working on a farm
With my companions
Out on the fields
They come singing along
5 Winner
Injustice is reproduced. The winner takes it all from the losers. Shadows are dancing in the tension of major and minor chords.
Over time you will understand
Where this will come to an end
He claims to be a big man
With a big plan
Gaining power through slaves and machines
You signed that you agree
To stay alive and with your faith
He will hold the word he gave
He isn't here to hurt somebody
It's the price you have to pay
So that people overseas
Can meet all their needs
There's only a winner
If there's a loser
And the beginner
Will stay in power
Like in chess
The rich man gains
And you pick up the remains
If you want to catch up with him
You'll have to work yourself in
If you want all the progression
Come up with a sense of possession
Follow his lead, and be patient
On his stream born to be a legend
Work hard for him to susceed
You shall get the things that you need.
6 Industrial Evolution
The conqueror brags about all the nice stuff he gained from forced labour. A funky groove for the good times.
I own a ship
holding my name on it
I've got the big net
Look all the fish I can catch
Check out my place
Seems I have the lord's grace
A cheminey on the roof
My pyjama is so smooth
Wearing nice shoes
Never have my lace loose
Pumping like a train
Moving to different plane
I've got my ride
Cruising down the street
All of my pride
Concrete and a leather seat
I've got my clock
rule over the the time
I'm able to talk
Over the sealine
Any time anywhere
He's got the power
Increasing mind can't compare
Thoughts of the our
A steady line no despair
He'll never loose
I ve got the spine and I'm aware
Of the masters plan I wanna introduce
Producing machines
To invent my dreams
Flying above you
Never out of schedule
I spread my wings
Only through reasoning
I can get everything
anything I imagine
Driving these cars
with radio on conditionned air
how could you dare to compare
I'm aiming for the stars
And you're diggin in the dirt
While I'm reading the holy word
And we should obey, his order
The way to his way gets shorter
We should drive faster, To get further
Follow the master, the precusor
Discipline, a set square
Implementing his will
New paradigm new ware
Improving his skill
From Pen n paper to the skyscraper
Excavator, world shaper god's neighbour
It ain't no crime to prepare
The masters plan do us all a favor
7 Manager
The conqueror's power seems unlimited. He lives in decadence and swings big. His realm is now a whole city. The fields turn into a factory. The rhythm accelerates and the beat hardens.
Having all the force within one finger
Comanding with no friction whatsoever
Sitting all day long out on my bench
Life is good to me
When I am hungry It is just to say
And my servant will be on his way
Eating as much as I can
Life is good to me
A fire to warm my belly
The wood we choke, the fire we kept
A golden facade
The metal we mine, the house we built
Overdrawing the land
This was our land, now your concrete
Saling away
Leaving our home, a realm to come
The fat ass sitting on his chair
Pointing at me, stroking his hair
If I don't obey he'll use the whip
So I feed that greedy pig
All this consumption makes him high
Smoking Pot and eating pie
Increasing his diameter from Master to Manager
I feed the greedy pig